Even thought Microsoft Edge hasn't been able to compete against browsers such as Chrome or Firefox, it's still capable of being very useful if you give it a ...
Team meeting on Tuesday, a big presentation on Thursday, Dinner with friend son Friday and Take the kids to Baseball on Saturday. Wait, isn't your Wedding ...
Whenever you swap phones, you probably don't even check to see what kind of SIM card your new phone uses. If the new phone doesn't use the same you are going ...
Digital images are something that has become a part of our lives. You can either get them from all sorts of devices and then do an endless amount of things ...
Every smartphone has a tendency to overheat from time to time. Things such as the room temperature and the tasks you are running on your phone can have an ...
It's one of those common yet another things. You get the notification that you have mail, and when you check, it's nothing but spam. It's a type of publicity ...
To root or not to root, that is the question. Rooting your Android device has a lot of good things, but it also has it's dark side. By rooting your Android ...
In this world where everyone is always connected to the Internet, there probably aren't a lot of people that don't have a social media account. Who doesn' t ...
For me, not being able to install an app because I ran out of storage is just as bad as my phone turning off because I forgot to charge it the night before. I ...
Sooner or later you're going to need to use Google Docs, whether it's for work or something personal, it's a tool that you're going to need to learn how to ...