6 Reasons Why Cloud Software is Imperative for Businesses in 2022

Companies have been steadily transitioning to the use of cloud computing services, especially after the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Business Wire reports that the market is expected to be worth over $1.55 trillion by 2030, with major platforms like Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP) dominating the field. If you have yet to make the switch, here are six major reasons why cloud solutions should be your company’s next step.

Why Cloud Software is Imperative for Businesses

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Reduced Costs

Instead of spending to get your own servers to power your systems, you get to skip out on this huge expense by leveraging servers provided by major platforms. Yahoo Finance featured a survey revealing that 90% of IT Heads, DBAs, and software developers agreed that switching to open source databases as methods to reduce costs. Cloud-based services are overall cheaper to use in the long run, as solutions are also typically offered on a pay-per-use basis.


Cloud software provides scalability by letting you easily scale up and down without any additional investment in infrastructure. The open-source document database MongoDB offers their Atlas platform and several other tools such as MongoDB Shell and Compass for this purpose. Such additions can improve your scalability, giving you the ability to accommodate for spikes and busy periods.

Data Security

Cloud-based data is much safer and more secure than standard solutions as they are updated with the latest technology each time a new threat emerges – which is not always the case for offline servers. If your data is stored in the cloud, it is encrypted both when it’s being transferred, at rest, and during backups. In an increasingly online world, cybersecurity has become a pressing issue that companies should take more seriously.

Disaster Recovery

Natural or human-made disasters can be detrimental to companies in a number of ways. They could damage servers and network and backup drives, which can lead them to lose data and have a huge negative impact on the company. In a recent blog post here at MrHow.io, we stressed how the cloud can be used to effectively store and backup data. So if an accident happens and damages all systems, your information remains safe and recoverable.


CNBC reports that many employees have realized the benefits of working from home. To succeed in this changing business environment, companies must be willing to offer flexibility such as telework opportunities. The cloud removes communication barriers that traditional IT models face, and can increase collaborations between teams by providing access to the same files.

More Services

There are several other services that come hand in hand with switching to cloud software. For instance, it allows for edge computing, which is the process of leveraging a provider’s distributed servers across the world and having client data processed at the nearest network point. There are also Platform as a Service (PaaS) providers that offer a full framework to build your applications on, taking away even more work from your hands.


Overall, switching to cloud software will provide your business with reduced costs, scalability, data security, disaster recovery, collaboration, and other services that will boost your business’ growth. If you are not using any cloud solutions right now, then make it your primary goal for the rest of 2022.

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