How to Add a Shortcut to a Website in the Dock on Your Mac

If there’s a particular website you visit often and you prefer not to manually enter its address every time you want to visit, you can simply bookmark it in your browser. This allows you to effortlessly access the site with a simple click on its link saved in your bookmarks bar, thus automatically loading it in your browser whenever needed.

If youโ€™re looking for still a more convenient way to visit a website, maybe something that doesnโ€™t even require you to first launch the browser, then you can pin a website to the Dock on your Mac.

The Dock on your Mac usually contains the apps youโ€™ve installed on your Mac, but it can also act as a boomarks bar for you. You can have your favorite websites added there and you can then visit them by just clicking their icon in the Dock. Easy peasy, isnโ€™t it? Although the following method should work fine in all the browsers on your Mac, Iโ€™m going to be demonstraing the method using Safari for you.

See more: How to Auto Hide and Show the Dock in MacOS

Adding a Shortcut to a Website in the Dock on Your Mac

You donโ€™t need an extension or anything like that to do the method.

1. Launch Safari on your Mac and type in a websiteโ€™s URL in the address bar. Enter the URL of the website you wish to pin to the Dock on your Mac. Then, press Enter to load the site in your browser.

dock url 3

2. Once the site has loaded in your browser, drag the site link from the address bar and drop it onto the Dock on your Mac. Make sure to drop the link onto the right-side of Dock where it will be allowed to sit.

url dock

3. The website will instantly be added to the Dock on your Mac. You should see a web icon for the link and when you click it, the chosen website will open in Safari on your Mac.

So, thatโ€™s how you can add your favorite website to the Dock on your Mac so you can get access to it in a single-click. It doesnโ€™t even require you to launch the browser; something that the bookmarks bar will require. Eventually, when the number of links sitting in the Dock has reached a large amount, you can have some of the links removed so that some space can be made for new links.

To remove a link, just drag the web icon for the link and drop it onto the Trash icon in the Dock. That should remove the link from the Dock on your Mac. Or right-click on the web icon and select Remove from Dock.

dock url 2

Personally, I found this practice of placing URLs in the Dock to be very convenient and I think most people use it for their emails that they tend to check every day. Also, you can have your favorite sites pinned there so you can have access to them with a single-click at any time.

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